Kermit the Frog sang, "It's not easy being green..." But boy, if there ever were a time to be green. It's now. We've been waiting for "green" for so long, we almost forgot what it looked like."Gray" owned every single day. But those days are done..
I'm really into plants. Okay, not as much as I'm into dogs
- Periodically re-pot them. Plants love a fresh container with new dirt underneath their roots. But don't put them into a pot too much bigger than their old one. They'll feel lost and can become exhausted by the effort to grow roots to fill the space. On the other hand, don't pack the dirt around them too tightly. They like to feel snug but want room to expand and breathe. Hey, does that remind you of people who have been "repotted" in your company? (Maybe you're even one of them...) People want to be continually challenged and have room to grow but a constant "sink or swim" mentality can be a major de-motivator for even the most dedicated people. In fact, it can even be a deal breaker.
- Keep positive energy around them. I know it sounds crazy but plants (like dogs) can feel the energy in the air. They (again, like dogs...) get depressed if the humans around them are continually worked up. Negative vibes - tension, anger, ongoing angst - can curb their enthusiasm to risk putting out new growth. Okay, you can't be perky all the time but plants give you one more reason to accentuate the positive. And boy, does that work with the people around you. Emphasize the good stuff: what's working - and what you can learn from the stuff that isn't. There's not a person in the world who doesn't respond well to positive reinforcement. Or a plant, for that matter. A hibiscus tree of ours had been languishing for weeks. Suddenly it perked up its leaves and shot out a lovely red blossom. "Way to go, you rascal!" I said. I knew you still had it in you. You look gorgeous!" "Who're you talking to?" Jim called from the next room. "Oh, just ol' hot stuff here," I said, "don't worry."
- Play music! I'm serious. It's been well documented that music causes plants to grow faster and shoot out more leaves and flowers. It makes perfect sense when you think about it. Afterall, no band of brothers or sisters, no sports team, no group of people little or big, ever went for the brass ring, the title, or put a stake (or flag) in the ground, without the horns, the pipes, the fifes and drums, the raised voices going first. It's true for all flora and fauna. Even Peggy "comes out" from behind her rock when we put on Pandora.
- Prune! When plants are pruned, when they're dead leaves are removed, they're inspired to shoot out new leaves and flowers. "Letting go" (two of my favorite words) of what no longer serves us - our own human version of "dead leaves: fears, regrets, grudges, "mistakes" - can be absolutely reinvigorating. Every time you pluck a dead leaf from one of your plants, "pluck away" some old fear of your own, okay? And imagine a brand new version of yourself emerging - like little green sprigs, with every "pluck." Actually, I feel good just thinking about... bein' green.
And green is...the color of spring.
Sing it, Kermit...
They don't call it a "greenhouse" for nothin'...
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