No really, it is. I mean, it is for me. It starts really early in the morning, usually when I'm running around the reservoir in Central Park with Jim and Willa (our Golden Retriever), and Jim says, "So what do you feel like for dinner? Jim's a really good cook. Really good. He took over most of the cooking - and food shopping - when Kate, our first daughter was born. His chili is so famous that the recipe has been requested by - and given to - scores of New Yorkers who, interestingly enough, know their chili.
But I digress. Back to our daily early morning jog around the reservoir. "How about roasting game hens?" Jim might ask. "Or what about mussels in white wine with crunchy bread?" Or "Wait! I've been thinking about broiled salmon with tomato-arugula salad and broccoli rabe...Hey, maybe we can get Abigail (our younger daughter) and Kate to come..." The minute we start talking about "dinner," I'm okay. Because then I have the endgame in sight. Then whatever "hard" thing I have to handle - writing a speech, conducting a workshop, tackling a particularly challenging coaching assignment - is no longer such a big deal. It's something I can handle (or even thoroughly enjoy) because it's just another stop on the way to...dinner.
Does that sound weird? I mean, shouldn't there be more important things that "it's" about? Don't worry, there are! I'm not talking about the really BIG things - our daughters, our dog, our work, our plans to invite a bunch of people over for...dinner. Just kidding.
But never mind me, what does it for you? What gets your energy up and your juices flowing (mmmm...juices). What's the thing that makes you light up just thinking about it? I think for Kate it might be Yoga. For Abigail it could be her spinning class. For Jim it's probably playing golf with Willa (dogs are only allowed when the course is "closed" during the winter). Maybe for you it's reading out loud to your little one. Or having a glass of wine with your best pals at your favorite tapas bar. Or, well, it could be almost anything as long as it helps you sail through your day...
Whatever it is, see it, feel it - and if you're like me, taste it. Here's the thing: If you know what it's all the can get there.
Guess what? Jim, Kate, Abigail (and Willa) just reported that it's all about dinner for them, too...What a family.
Oh, we decided on the broiled salmon with tomato-arugula salad and broccoli rabe. It was heaven.
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